Why is MIL-STD-810G Certificate Preferred?
Why is MIL-STD-810G Certificate Preferred?

9.01.2024 13:04:22

Why is MIL-STD-810G Certificate Preferred?

Posté par: ICC Dijital

MIL-STD-810: Testing Military Equipment for Ruggedness and Environmental Resilience

MIL-STD-810 is one of the military standards set by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). This standard is used to test military equipment for durability and resistance to environmental conditions. MIL-STD-810 provides a wide range of tests that include a variety of environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, impact, radiation, and other environmental factors. This standard is designed to evaluate how military equipment will perform under real-world conditions. Certification provides manufacturers and users with information about whether a particular product meets certain military environmental standards. A product with MIL-STD-810 certification generally means that it has met certain military standards for durability and environmental resistance and has successfully undergone specified testing.

Having MIL-STD-810 certification in industrial tablets is important for these devices to ensure durability and resistance to environmental conditions. It is critical that tablets used in industrial applications are reliable. A device with MIL-STD-810 certification proves its reliability by passing various tests.

Industrial Tablets pass 29 tests to obtain MIL-STD-810 certification. These tests; Low Pressure (Altitude), High temperature, Low temperature, Temperature shock, Contamination with Liquids, Solar Radiation (Sunlight), Rain, Humidity, Fungus, Dense fog, Sand and Dust, Explosive Atmosphere, Immersion, Acceleration, Acoustic sound, Shock Wetting , Electrostatic Shock, Acidic Atmosphere, Cannon fire, Shock Impulse, Combined environments, Icing/Freezing Rain, Ballistic Shock, Vibro acoustics/Temperature, Freezing/Thaw, Time Waveform Replication, Rail Pulse Multistimulus Testing, Mechanical Vibrations of Ship Equipment (Type I – Environmental and Type II) tests.

Why Do Manufacturers Use MIL-STD Classification?

  • Equipment Conforms to Military Requirements: The US military requires equipment to be purchased to comply with MIL-STD-810 requirements. Therefore, manufacturers must test their products in accordance with these standards.
  • Contract Requirements: Some companies will only purchase products that meet military standard requirements. The manufacturer may have to demonstrate compliance with contractual requirements by testing its product in a laboratory.
  • Product Research and Development: Testing requirements assist manufacturers in the research and development phases of their products. These standards provide information on the durability and performance of products.
  • A Recognized Standard: MIL-STD is considered the most stringent testing method used by various industries. This standard is known and recognized by potential buyers.

 These advantages are especially important in developing and selling products for military equipment and similar critical applications.

Each of our IPC4 Rugged Tablets is MIL-STD-810G certified. ICC Sales Engineers will always support you in choosing the most suitable Rugged Tablet for your projects. 


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Why is MIL-STD-810G Certificate Preferred?